The Digital Glimpse: 

the Partial Reality between Privacy and Security
Date:  2024


"The Digital Glimpse" is an immersive installation that offers a unique perspective on the intricate relationship between privacy, security, and technology. By layering publicly accessible surveillance footage with real-time captures of the audience, the piece creates a thought-provoking, semi-real digital environment that invites viewers to question the delicate balance between personal privacy and collective safety in our digital age. This work encourages critical reflection on the potential consequences of technological advancements and questions on the social and ethical aspects of surveillance culture.

Technical Description

TCP/IP protocol: access to live camera footage without password protection.
OpenCV (Blob detection): detecting movement in video from both CCTVs and the onsite camera.

These cameras are not hacked. All cameras I can access do not have any password protection. They are available to all internet users that use surveillance camera search software and sites.

The only solution to make your camera private is to set up a password!

Visual Experiments

Research & Inspiration

- An attenpt at exhausting a place in paris Georges Perec
Exhausting a Crowd Kyle McDonald United States 2015 720 min
Stay v3 Hasan Elahi
- and my previous work: Manufactured Landscape

Let's Get in Touch 🌻
Hey there, I am available for full-time or freelance projects, whether they are remotely or on-site in New York, I'd love to hear from you.