Week 1


  1. main.cpp:
    • main.cpp serves as the entry point for your application. When you run your OpenFrameworks application, it starts by executing main.cpp.
    • Its main purpose is to create an application object (ofApp) and begin running that application.

  2. ofApp.h:
      ofApp.h is the main class definition file for your application. It contains the core logic of your application, such as setup, update, and draw functions.In this file, you declare member variables, functions, and handle events like key and mouse interactions.Typically, you declare functions for rendering, setup, and handling various events in ofApp.h.

  3. ofApp.cpp:
      ofApp.cpp contains the implementation of the functions defined in ofApp class in ofApp.h.In this file, you write the initialization code (in the setup function), code to update your application's state (in the update function), and code to render visuals (in the draw function).Typically, your application's main logic and functionality are implemented in ofApp.cpp.