Week 2

  • Livestream a performance

Livestream a performance on a platform of your choice (Twitch, Zoom, Instagram Live, etc..) that experiments with the idea of time and/or space.
  • Invite us all to your performance by posting your schedule and link below at least a day.

  • I joined Shiqing‘s live and saw her play with the view look from her apartment, cropping and repeating to create the view look like in the kaleidoscope.


  • My performance

I used the window view and sound of the New York and Taipei subways in my project. Two frames connect the interior space of the train, but the view from the window is different.

At the same time, I called my friend Rachel who lives in Taipei, so we could appear on the screen and sit in the interspace together.  So there are two spaces outside the window, one virtual space in the train, and two people’s space in front of our laptops. I tried to coordinate these scenes to one canvas harmoniously but sometimes used some text elements to create more layers in my live.

In this experiment, I also tried to jump to different moments in my video to create a discontinuous experience, And it looks like this.