Week 1

  • 1. Create a Twitch and stream!

Test out both video and audio. Make sure your microphone sound AND desktop sound can be heard on Twitch. Post a screenshot of your livestream below.

2. Watch a live streamed performance.

Write about it on your blog and post the link to your post below. Tell us what it is, how you felt as an audience, and you think of the piece in terms of content, form, performance, and technologies used.


I think this live broadcast room is very special. The lofi music is paired with a very simple picture, which completely breaks the model of everyone staring at the performer, become a feeling of being accompanied audience with music.

At the same time, the chat room also plays a very special role in this space. People who know or don’t know each other chat on here, less talking about the content of the performance, and more simply chatting.

I also watch the recommanded video which is about Hydra. It reminds some of the experience in the Wonderville to watch the performance for students in ITP community!