
Syllabus for
ITP Foundation Course Introduction to Computational Media: Code

Week 1


( 1 ) Worksheet projects :

Week 1


( 2 ) Homework - Self Portrait :

Project Link : https://editor.p5js.org/yichun/sketches/lCOE8l07s

The main idea combines my favorite coffee latte art with my portrait. To enhance my character, I add my glasses and a cloud that looks like my curly hair.

Process & Difficulties

Before p5.js

In the beginning, I used Illustrator to draw the sketch and decided how many elements would appear in the picture. Another reason I use Illustrator is that I can know the size of the components before I use the p5 editor.

Pitfalls I run into (1)

I found that creating an oblique line is more straightforward than creating a slanted ellipse or rectangle. Because the line was created by 2 points' x and y positions, the ellipse was created by the wide and high. In this case, I tried to use the push() & pop() to ensure the rotate() and translate() not to affect other elements, and it works well.

Pitfalls I run into (2)

During the painting processes, I found that I drew the whole cup too close to the left side. So I tried to use translate() to move it. And also use push() & pop() again to keep other part are still at the same x,y coordinate.

Additionally, for easier to know about the position, I did a small function to print the mouse X and Y in the "function draw()."

Week 1


( 3 )  How computation applies to my interests!

I would like to start with my interests and experience to answer this question. In high school, I joined the hot music club to play guitar, which became a way to relieve my stress. After that, I studied architecture for two years before majoring in the commercial design department at the university. When I learned architecture, I found that making physical objects by hand gave me a strong sense of achievement.

And learned in the Department of Commercial Design, I have acquired skills in graphic design and installation. I can't forget the first time I used the adobe suite to create graphics, and I used coding to make objects respond. Both subjects brought me great satisfaction and gave me a new way to use other material to express myself. Moreover, I also learned speculative and discursive design, which broadened my imagination about creation. Within these experiences, I wish to combine my aesthetics of architecture, music, and visuals with coding. I imagine I can use the randomness in the coding to depict them poetically and keep focusing on them to create new practices I had never met before.

Who / What inspires me

François Morvillier / @glitch_lab_app
They create a new interpretation of the space with a glitch effect. I am deeply attracted by the ambiguity and uncertainty in the graphic.

Huang Yi & KUKA
I like the relationship between the dancer and the mechanical arm.
He not only makes the robot's movement look like a human but also needs to use his body to mimic how the machine moves and become a state between the human and the device, another form of himself.