Week 2


  • Read:

    1. Energy Scavenging for Mobile and Wireless Electronics” by Paradiso and Starner of MIT. Not recent, but an excellent overview of all the ways we might power electronic devices with ambient power harnessed from the environment. Link is below.

    2. Stuart McMillen’s illustrated essay about energy in terms of the human body. This idea traces back to Buckminster Fuller, and is probably the basis for Chu’s concept of energy servants mentioned in the lecture. Note: this work uses the image of ‘energy slaves’ as a central metaphor for making this comparison.

For next week:

  • Consider how to condition the output of your generator. Do you need to rectify AC? Smooth the output? Store energy? Limit voltage? Identify what parts your particular application will need.
  • Sketch a concept for your kinetic project and post to your blog. Identify components you need that you will order or make.

There are some data about the airflow in the reading “Energy Scavenging for Mobile and Wireless Electronics.” 

Oliver and I feel that it could be fun if we use the wind to make a helmet or some wearable device! So we drew some sketches.

We also tested the small fans can create how much V electricity.