Week 1


Part 1: Set up

Make sure you have a blog or someplace to document your work and reflect on your process this semester.

Part 2: Encode

Use the Encode process to reverse engineer these sketches:

  1. Run
  2. Speculate  
  3. Investigate  
  4. Annotate
  5. Modify

  • Encode 1 
  • (class example, complete only if you still have questions)

I drew the pattern and found the distance between these elements with Angie. And I did this after class. Finding different blend modes will also affect the background. So add one more blendMode(BLEND), which means the default mode before the loop draws the background again.

  • Encode 2

I made a bouncing ball first with the speed and a mode called goRight. Then if the x position is bigger or smaller than the middle travel range, flip the speed. After doing this, I found the circle didn’t move at the same speed.😿️ So, I create one increasing value (variable) to put in the sin(). Because the value of sin will bounce between 1 & -1, I 
map the range to the location. It will naturally have acceleration when moving.

  • Encode 3

  • Encode 4

  • Encode 5

Part 3: Re/Code

  • Create a loading icon (aka preloader or throbber) animation with code. Find and recode an existing one (different from the ones above) or design your own.

Part 4: Document

  • Write a blog post. Link to your sketches from Part 2 and Part 3.
  • Reflect on the discoveries and challenges you encountered during the exercises. What graphic or animation effects are most pleasing to you? Where did you get stuck, and what steps did you take to troubleshoot? What code-related techniques would you like to explore and practice more?
  • Submit here